ThePhantom on January 11, 2012 @ 05:20 PM
Hi Eric. Thanks for your comments. Now, once you have converted your bitmap into a vector ("in Inkscape"). I suppose you have that sticker as a vector. Make sure when you export your bitmap through Inkscape "File -> Export Bitmap", there will be an option on that dialog box that will prompt you for "dpi". Usually by default it is set to 90dpi which will make it look good in your computer screen; but most printers usually require 300dpi. You will have to check your "vinyl plotter" to see what resolution "dpi" they require.
Now, it goes like this; ex. if you want your sticker to be 1.5 in tall and 3.5 wide in and your "vinyl plotter" resolution is ex. 300dpi, you will need to have your sticker to be 450px in height and 1050px in width, and the export resolution to 300dpi.
I hope this helps, if you have any other question feel free to ask again. I you dont't know how to convert you current image to vector you can watch
this tutorial, after that automatic path conversion you could always go back and make a finer definition of the edges using the nodes selection tool.
Again Eric, Thanks for being a part of Digital Phantom.
Last Updated by:
ThePhantom @ Jan 11, 2012 @ 06:23 AM