How to Install XAMPP?
Posted on Mar 15, 2011 @ 08:19 AM by ThePhantom
XAMPP is a free and open source cross-platform web-server solution package. It includes Apache HTTP Server, MySQL database, and interpreters for PHP and Perl.
Installing XAMPP is very easy. Follow these steps and you will be ready to go in minutes.
1. Go to and select your OS link. In this case we will be using Windows; so Click on XAMPP for Windows.
2. Go down until you see the XAMPP for Windows Table, and Click the installer link.
3. Then, download the installer.
4. Once the download has finished Open the installer. And Select the language of your choice.
5. Click Next on the first screen of the XAMPP Setup Wizard.
6. Select the install path. By default the path is C:\xampp. I recommend using the default. Click Next.
7. On this Screen it's up to you which options you want to choose. I recommend Checking the following options:
a. Create a XAMPP desktop icon
b. Create an Apache Friends XAMPP folder in the start menu.
c. Install Apache as service
d. Install MySQL as service
8. Click Install.
9. After the installation has finished Click Finish.
10. Now Click Ok.
11. At this point your installation has finished. Now Click Yes to Start the XAMPP Control Panel.
12. Once the XAMPP Control Panel is Open Click Start to Start the Apache Server.
13. Now, to check that Apache is working correctly open your web browser and go to http://localhost/, you should see the following page.
14. Finally let's check that the MySQL Server is working properly, in your web browser got to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/, you should see the following page.
Now, we are ready to start developing with PHP. You can design and develop your website and applications locally and once they are finished you can upload them to your live server.